Animation Rendezvous Berlin
An exciting and unusual location, two hosts from different industries and a topic that connects the guests: Visit the new Animation Rendezvous Berlin!
An exciting and unusual location, two hosts from different industries and a topic that connects the guests: Visit the new Animation Rendezvous Berlin!
It’s time for witchcraft: We’ll be “dancing into May” on the big screen for Walpurgis Night!
The FAB is taking a break in 2024. Visit us at one of our Animation Rendevous in Berlin and our FAB Best-Of Screenings!
In Berlin you can soak up some extra FAB feeling with four FAB22 gems at the “Lange Nacht der Berliner Filmfestivals”
The submission for the interactive mapping contest THEN has been extended by one month and will now run until August 05, 2023!
Submissions of Expanded Animation works for the 4th FAB Dimensional have been extended by two weeks, until June 19, 2023!
Additional Calls out now: Submit your work for FAB Dimensional, Mapping Contest & Pitching Session!
With this hot teaser made by our buddies at dyrdee Media, we’re kicking off the new festival edition inviting you to the official CALL FOR ENTRIES!
Check out who won one of our coveted Bear trophies and prize money this year!
Unfortunately Patreon had to be canceled. The free spot will feature a tribute programme of films made in Gil Alkabetz’s workshops.